Speaking to IndieWire this week, Executive Producer and Scorer John Carpenter was asked if he could provide an update on the highly anticipated sequel Halloween Kills.
“The cut is done. They’ll mix it in New York in the next week or so. Then it will be in the can. My work is all done. The movie is something else. It’s fun, intense and brutal, a slasher movie times one hundred, big time. It’s huge. I’ve never seen anything like this: the kill count!”

Of course Carpenter isn't the only one to big up the movie in the last few months. Co-writer Scott Teems described it as "bigger, badder & meaner", Myers himself James Jude Courtney referred to the film as "the 2018 film on speed" and Producer Jason Blum went on record describing it as "bigger than the last one."
Director David Gordan Green also revealed a bit more of what we can expect from Kills in an interview with Empire Magazine.
"The first one was more about Laurie’s life of isolation after Michael and her attempts at revenge. It was personal.This is more about the unraveling of a community into chaos. It’s about how fear spreads virally."
You can read that full interview with Green in Empire's latest issue, The Big-Screen Preview Edition, that hits shelves tomorrow (9th July 2020).
The trailer for Kills is said to be coming soon, with Jason Blum still aiming for the original October 2020 release date. Halloween Kills sees all the 2018's cast returning with Anthony Michael Hall on board as Tommy Doyle and original Halloween cast members Nancy Stephens, Charles Cyphers and Kyle Richards joining them to reprise their roles from Carpenter's 1978 classic.