The highly anticipated sequel to Garland and Boyle's 28 Days and 28 Weeks Later has landed at Sony. As reported by THR, Sony came out on top of the bidding war with original star Cillian Murphy returning as executive producer; and potentially more.
Director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland have reunited to write and direct the sequel, which also comes with a Part 2, to be written by Garland. Boyle would only direct the first project, with the sequel’s director to be determined at a later stage. Cillian Murphy, whose career was launched thanks to the original movie, is also returning, as an executive producer. The Oppenheimer star could also possibly act in the project, although details are being quarantined.
Although details of the deal are being kept quiet for now, each movie is said to have a budget of around $60 million.
The pair will also produce, as would original producer Andrew Macdonald and Peter Rice, the former head of Fox Searchlight Pictures, the division of onetime studio Twentieth Century Fox that originally backed the British-made movie and its sequel. Bernie Bellew is also producing.
There's been talks of a sequel happening for a while now, originally titled 28 Months Later, so it's fantastic to actually see this happening. More updates soon hopefully!