On Saturday 20th of February; a week today, the Bloody Flicks Awards makes its return in the form of a virtual festival! And best of all - ITS FREE!

Since 2015 Bloody Flicks have been championing independent horror on the big and small screen with exclusive interviews, features, reviews, podcasts and an annual Awards Festival.
Back in February 2020 my Creepshow inspired, horror short A Christmas Nightmare was chosen to play at the Festival and this year I was asked to help judge the shorts; having recently been on the judging panel at the 90 Second Horror Challenge and the Houston Horror Film Festival.
The array of submitted short films were tremendously great quality, but some, really did stand out from the crowd.

The Festival will be screening 20 horror shorts and one feature film; which this year will be Get The Hell Out.
'Taiwan's parliament turns deadly when a virus transforms politicians into ravenous zombie mutants.'
This will be the UK PREMIERE of the Taiwan horror comedy which was a smash hit at the TIFF Sitges Film Festival 2020 and Bloody Flicks are super excited to be sharing this with their audience.
Check out the trailer here!
To accompany this fantastic feature film are 20 brilliant horror shorts!
The lineup is as follows (please note timings will follow in due course) -
No One Is Coming (Dir. The Barber Brothers) – A young woman awaits the return of her boyfriend at a secluded cabin only to discover that she may in fact not be alone.
Overkill (Dir. Alex Montilla) – ‘OverKill’ is a film with a comedic take on a familiar setup: when too-woke-for-their-own-good college kids are terrorized by an unstoppable masked killer, the final girl must outsmart him to survive. Only in this movie, the killer literally cannot be stopped (or killed).
Swipe (Dir. Niels Bourgonje) – A girl finds out that she has a match on a dating app with a stranger, despite swiping him to the left moments ago. She starts to fear that the man is dangerously close to her.
Cruel Tale, Friday Kills (Dir. Guéguen Hugues) – In a hostel, Managers from a big company are coming for a secret meeting. On behalf of the new bioethics Law, they plan a conspiracy about the slaughter of their own employees they want to layoff. However, they just did not expect Suzy and Dany.
Script (Dir. Piero Cannata) – Two screenwriters, a ghost story, the night that goes on. Who will put an end to this?
Shared Document (Jessica Fostekew) – A brother and sister try to remotely complete a eulogy for their Dad’s funeral unaware that an anonymous user is about to crash the document.
First Date of the Dead (Chris J. Allan) – Even when zombies walk the Earth, romance isn’t dead…
Atrophy (Dir. Cindy Stenberg) – Freja takes on a new job as a personal carer for Alma, a woman who, after getting mysteriously sick, is bound to a wheelchair. Her only way of communication is with her eyes, blinking once for yes and twice for no. Freja soon discovers that it’s not only Alma who is keeping secrets, but the very house itself.
Sins of the Father (Dir. Peter McKeirnon) – Trapped with no way of escape, a priest must come to terms with a life of sin.
Unusual Attachment (Dir. Michael Varrati) – When Hunter thinks he’s found…and lost…the love of his life on a sketchy video chat site, he scours the net to reunite with his missed connection…only to find something far worse in the process.
Guest (Dir. Finn Callan) – A young woman takes drastic measures to rid herself of a mysterious, otherworldly creature known as “The Guest”.
She of the Land (Dir. Gary J. Hewitt) – A Lighthouse Keeper searches his land for a Witch, who has cursed his wife.
The Ferals (Dir. Stefan Ruiz) – A horror/thriller short film that follows the story of a young man who has washed up on a desert island following a shark attack. He soon discovers that he is not alone but the occupants on the island are not there to help him.
Fright Corner (Dir. Doug Rollins) – A young film crew are lost in a forest outside the UK’s supposedly most haunted village at midnight, shooting a modernday Hammer horror based on local ghost tales. But suddenly their script’s disturbing legends take over the real life shoot…
La Llorona (Dir. H.J Leonard) – After a harsh breakup, Pranay decides to ease the pain with alcohol. Little did he knows his life was about to change when he encounters a young undead bride looking for revenge.
The Witch Hunters are Coming (Dir. James Atkins) – Spoof reality TV documentary following a day at work for two London council witch hunters.
Static (Dir. Tom Hughes) – A young girl wants to see her boyfriend one last time, but gets more than she bargains for when dabbling in the occult…
Deadly Scare (Dir. Radosvet Nikolov) – Mike Wiener invites a camera crew to create the serial killer’s diary on owning and operating an escape room. Shame the game can be played only once.
Make A Wish (Dir. Dinh Thai) – A light-hearted comedy about the sweetest fiancé giving her boyfriend the best birthday present ever.
Malakout (Dir. Farnoosh Abedi) – Music was his passion… Love was his masterpiece…
Some personal favourites of mine include Static, Malakout, Make A Wish, Guest, Script, First Date Of The Dead and Unusual Attachment - each offering something different that tickled my many personalities.
As I'm sure you've noticed, there is the word AWARDS in the title, and the judging panel will be YOU, the audience. Once you've spent the fun filled day chilling, drinking, eating popcorn and watching a good selection of horrors, YOU can decide which shorts are your favourites in a number of different categories, including Best Film, Best Director and Best Music.
Here is the link to the VOTING FORMS which will also be advertised all over social media closer to the date.
So, Saturday 20th February, FREE Virtual Horror Festival, 20 horror shorts, one crazy horror comedy feature and a damn good time - What's not to love!?
The festival will be streaming through the FestHome (click the link!) with a limit of 75 free tickets available per screening - so get your tickets NOW!
BLOODY FLICKS AWARDS - 'We would like to thank all of the filmmakers who submitted their films as putting this lineup together was no mean feat.
As we have stated already the Bloody Flicks Awards 2021 will be a free event, but if you wish to donate towards our running costs you will have the opportunity during the day.'